Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Why in the world

Why in the world to people work so hard at being mean?  Why in the world don't they use that energy for good?  We are a funny creature, if there's no strife we find ways to make things stressful.  If somebody is happy someone always tries to find a way to take that away from the one who's happy.  Misery does love company.  I have an acquaintance that is not stable, this person vacillates from happy, to pissed off, to loving, to crying and can achieve this in the spance of 5 seconds.  I was brought to tears by the person because they thought I had  done something that I had not done.  I was completely caught off guard and stripped down, naked and humiliated by their words.  I was a mess.  This persons articulation of accusations and verbal abuse, I was reduced at first to tears, and then to anger that the thought of being capable of the accusers accusations that our knowledge of each other has never quite healed.  This will never happen again.  The reason I am writing on a past experience with this person is that they are at it again.  So, to set my cosmic energy back to being in balance I proclaim that I am who I am, I'm a WYSIWYG person.  No hidden agendas here, no back stabbing, no gossiping.  I am as true a friend as one could find, I am loyal, kind and generous.  However I will not allow ANYONE to kick my feet out from under me again. EVER!  I will continue my life's journey without this person being a part of it, and enjoy my ride.  Peace

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It has been about a year since my last blog

Funny how life is, some days are intense, some mellow, some, well, might want to be wished away. Many things have been taking up my blogging time. Today I am making time. My life if full of joy and some sorrow. As my body ages, my mind hurries to "do" the things I've always wanted to do. Sometimes my body wins, as in I sold my motorcycle. The vibration hurt my hip and knees to the point where I could not endure the ride. This makes me profoundly sad, as I saw my riding as a quiet form of rebellion. I have really never been a rebellious person, but this was a statement of my freedom, my "being me", my autonomy, my voice, my song. I'll have to find a new outlet for insanity that creeps into my being once in a while. Life does that to most people, but they either don't need the outlet because the insanity is less than mine, or the just blow up! I can get lost in the face of a baby, or a song, or a smell. Maybe my senses will heighten and the fragrance of the forest will be my outlet or I'll listed to music more...........I am just not sure yet what will "take me there". I promise I will let you know when I find it. Peace